North American Union Coming to Your Canadian Neighbourhood by 2010
Just as with the formation of the European Union and the objections of the people in those countries, the North American Union is forging ahead, building new toll highways in the U.S. which by 2010 which will bring goods from overseas to Mexico, then to be loaded into trucks and transported north. So secretive is the SPP planning for the North American Union that it is apparently hands-off for newspapers, and the politicians either no nothing about it or are told to be silent. Only Peter Julian of the NDP party has insisted on hearings in the House of Commons that took place in May. Dr. Jerome Corsi, a well-known American journalist and writer, has just published a book this week entitled: The Late Great USA- The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada. So I guess well have to get our news from this book or others, and then report the news to the newspapers so they can warn Canadians that by 2010 we will be a country in name only.