Saturday, June 2, 2007

download game kid

Chess player's latest move like so many others MARK FUNKHOUSER

And yet, he thinks, his chess game is terrible, "like an 8-year-old's." He often gets whipped at these Tuesday night games. So why does he keep coming back? Why does he continue to play if he's so bad?

Because he relishes intellectual challenges. Running for mayor is just his latest one.

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Chess, of course, is an individual game. There is no teamwork involved. It's a solitary endeavor. And in the eyes of some people, that perfectly summed up Funkhouser's longtime role as a numbers-crunching auditor at a desk in City Hall.

Once Funkhouser ran for mayor, park commissioner Sandra Aust zinged him for his lone-wolf approach and "relentless negativity." Mayor Kay Barnes accused him of not being a team player. City Councilman Chuck Eddy called him a "loner." Even now on the campaign trail, Funkhouser drives to events alone.

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